Na-ekpo ọkụ New Ngwaahịa Tea Withering Trough - anọ Layer tii Agba Sorter – Chama

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Anyị mmepe na-adabere na elu akụrụngwa, magburu onwe talent na nọgidere ike technology agha makaIgwe igwe igwe nkụ, Onye na-ewe ihe ubi tii eletrik, Machinery tii fermented, Anyị ga-enye ndị mmadụ ike site n'ikwurịta okwu na ige ntị, Na-esetịpụ ihe atụ nye ndị ọzọ na ịmụta site na ahụmahụ.
Ngwaahịa Tii Na-ekpo ọkụ Ọhụrụ Na-ekpo ọkụ - Mpempe agba Tii anọ - Nkọwa Chama:

Ụdị igwe T4V2-6
Ike (Kw) 2,4-4.0
Oriri ikuku (m³/min) 3m³/min
Ịhazi nke ziri ezi 99%
Ike (KG/H) 250-350
Akụkụ(mm) (L*W*H) 2355x2635x2700
Voltaji (V/HZ) 3 nkeji / 415V / 50hz
Nnukwu ibu/ụgbụ (Kg) 3000
Ọnọdụ okpomọkụ na-arụ ọrụ ≤50℃
Ụdị igwefoto Igwefoto ahaziri ahazi/igwefoto CCD nwere nhazi agba zuru oke
Pixel igwefoto 4096
Ọnụọgụ igwefoto 24
Igwe igwe ikuku (Mpa) ≤0.7
Ihuenyo mmetụ aka 12 inch LCD ihuenyo
Ihe owuwu ihe nri larịị igwe anaghị agba nchara


Onye ọ bụla ogbo ọrụ Obosara nke chute 320mm / chute iji nyere aka na-erute teas na-enweghị nkwụsị ọ bụla.
1st ogbo 6 chutes nwere ọwa 384
2nd ogbo 6 chutes nwere ọwa 384
3rd ogbo 6 chutes nwere ọwa 384
4th ogbo 6 chutes nwere ọwa 384
Ngụkọta ọnụ ọgụgụ 1536 Mba;ngụkọta ọwa 1536
Igwefoto ọ bụla nwere igwefoto isii, mkpokọta igwefoto 24, igwefoto 18 n'ihu + igwefoto 6 azụ.

Foto nkọwa ngwaahịa:

Na-ekpo ọkụ New Ngwaahịa Tea Withering Trough - anọ Layer tii Agba Sorter – Chama nkọwa foto

Ntuziaka ngwaahịa emetụtara:

We know that we only thrive if we might guarantee our together price tag competiveness and quality advantageous at the same time for Hot New Products Tea Withering Trough - Anọ oyi akwa tii Agba Sorter – Chama , The ngwaahịa ga-enye n'ụwa nile, dị ka : Russia, Rotterdam, Peru, afọ ojuju ndị ahịa bụ ihe mgbaru ọsọ anyị.Anyị na-atụ anya iso gị na-arụkọ ọrụ na ịnye ọrụ anyị kacha mma iji gboo mkpa gị.Anyị ji obi ụtọ na-anabata gị ka ị kpọtụrụ anyị ma hụ na ị nwere onwe gị ịkpọtụrụ anyị.Chọgharịa ụlọ ngosi ihe ntanetị anyị ka ịhụ ihe anyị nwere ike imere gị.Wee zitere anyị ozi nkọwapụta gị ma ọ bụ ajụjụ gị taa.
  • Anyị na ọtụtụ ụlọ ọrụ na-arụ ọrụ, ma oge a bụ ihe kasị mma , nkọwa nkọwa, n'oge nnyefe na àgwà ruru eru, mara mma! Kpakpando 5 Site na Mag si Mauritius - 2018.05.22 12:13
    Ọnụahịa ezi uche dị na ya, àgwà dị mma nke ndụmọdụ, n'ikpeazụ, anyị ga-enweta ọnọdụ mmeri-mmeri, imekọ ihe ọnụ obi ụtọ! Kpakpando 5 Site na Ethan McPherson si America - 2018.06.09 12:42
    Dee ozi gị ebe a ziga anyị ya