Letsatsi la Machaba la Tee
Aka letlotlo la bohlokoahali leo Tlhaho e le fang moloko oa batho, tee e bile borokho ba bomolimo bo hokahanyang lichaba. Ho tloha ka 2019, ha Seboka se Akaretsang sa Machaba a Kopaneng se khetha la 21 Motšeanong e le Letsatsi la Machabeng la Tee,bahlahisi ba teelefats'eng ka bophara ba bile le mekete ea bona e inehetseng, e isitsoeng sethaleng sa lefats'e bakeng sa nts'etsopele e tsitsitseng le e phetseng hantle ea indasteri ea tee, 'me ba thehile sebaka se tšoanang moo litloaelo tsa tee tsa linaha le lichaba li kopanang le ho sebelisana.
Ho khothaletsa phapanyetsano le tšebelisano 'moho indastering ea tee, le ho khothaletsa nts'etsopele e tsitsitseng le e phetseng hantle ea indasteri ea tee kahare le machabeng, ka Letsatsi la bobeli la Machabeng la Tee (21 Mots'eanong 2021), litsi tse 24 tse amanang le tee tse tsoang linaheng tse 16 le libaka tse joalo ka Tea. Indasteri Committee of China Association for the Promotion of International Agricultural Cooperation (eo ho thoeng ke Komiti ea Indasteri ea Tea), Lekhotla le Khethehileng la Temo ea Lekhotla la China bakeng sa Kholiso ea Khoebo ea Machabeng, Selekane sa Indasteri ea Tee ea China, Khomishene ea Khoebo ea Italy, Sri Lanka Tea. Board, European American Chamber of Commerce & Industry ka kopanelo e sisintse Bohato ba Khothaletso ea Ntlafatso ea Indasteri ea Tee la 2021 Letsatsi la Machabeng la Tee Ponong ea bo-4 ea China ea Machabeng ea Tee. Lv Mingyi, molula-setulo oa Komiti ea Indasteri ea Tee ea Mokhatlo oa Chaena bakeng sa Khothatso ea Tšebelisano ea Machabeng ea Temo, o ile a nka sethaleng ho phatlalatsa Boikemisetso lebitsong la Komiti ea Indasteri ea Tee.
Ho lokollwa ha Leano la Khothaletso ya Ntshetsopele ya Indaseteri ya Tee ha ho na ho kgothaletsa feela ntshetsopele ya indasteri ya tee ya lefatshe, empa hape ho tla matlafatsa tshebedisano-mmoho e tebileng hara ditheo tse amehang.
Nako ea poso: May-21-2021